Yogurt Mille Crepes

Mille crepes or usually called one thousand layer cake is a cake that arranged from many thin layer of crepe and cream, usually about 20 layers, one of my favorite dessert. This food is a popular dessert in Japan. It’s a crepe but it also a cake and their combination is very delicious.

Mille crepes is made from ingredients that commonly found in the store and it’s easy to make. To make some thin layers of crepe and arrange them become mille crepes, requires pretty much time and your patience. Usually I only use whipped cream for the cream of mille crepes but this time, I add some yogurt because my whipped cream is not enough to make a whole mille crepes. The taste of yogurt offset the sweetness of whipped cream and their taste is perfect.

 Yogurt Mille Crepes


Cooking time: 60 minutes | Served: 4


  • 2 eggs
  • A tablespoon of sugar
  • 125 grams all purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoon of butter then melt them
  • 150 ml fresh milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)
  • 1 cup your favorite yogurt (I used small cup of Elle&Vive)
  • 100 ml whipped cream


  1. Beat eggs and sugar until mix well.
  2. Add flour then stir them.
  3. Add melted butter and fresh milk, stir them until they become smooth.
  4. In a pan, make a thin crepe. Repeat it until the batter finished.
  5. Cold the crepes until they’re in room temperature.
  6. Whisk until the whipped cream reaches stiff peaks.
  7. Add yogurt to the whipped cream, stir them.
  8. In a serving place, put one layer of crepe and then spread the whipped cream. Repeat it until finished.
  9. Put in the referigator before you eat it,

Recipe in Indonesian Language


4 thoughts on “Yogurt Mille Crepes

  • Posted on 19/05/2016 at 4:48 AM

    it looks delicious! Thank you for sharing this helpful recipe! By the way, what’s the brand of unsweetened almond milk do you use?

    • Posted on 19/05/2016 at 1:29 PM

      I made it by myself hehe. Just make a almond juice, filter it, then boil until the foam appear.

  • Posted on 19/05/2016 at 2:05 PM

    Yummy…… Bikin ngiler sumpah

  • Posted on 19/05/2016 at 7:20 PM

    astaga aku pengen bgt nyoba iniii


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